August 17th, 2014
Lipitor Lawsuits Among Women Soar in Past 5 Months (Just as I predicted would happen!!!)
Medical News |
Physician's First Watch
August 11, 2014
Lipitor Lawsuits Among Women Soar in Past 5 Months
Lawsuits by U.S. women who blame Lipitor (atorvastatin) for their type 2 diabetes have soared over the past 5 months, from 56 to nearly 1000 cases representing 4000 women, according to a Reuters investigation.
Lawyers say Lipitor confers a higher diabetes risk in women than in men, and women also see fewer benefits with the drug.
The lawsuits began soon after the FDA warned in 2012 that statins are associated with a small increase in risk for diabetes. The recent surge, however, follows a measure to move all diabetes-related Lipitor lawsuits into one federal courtroom — a measure that Pfizer, the manufacturer, opposed over concerns about copycat suits.
The first trial is set for July 2015.
Reuters story (Free)
Background: NEJM Journal Watch Cardiology summary on high-dose statins and diabetes (Free)
Background: Physician's First Watch coverage of 2012 statin label changes (Free)
Just a word from Armon !!!!!
Well I have to say "I TOLD YOU SO". More and more claims are going to be presented to the pharmaceutical companies consistent with the irriversable serious adverse effects caused by these highly overrated drugs that the wonders were literly brain washed into the prescriber's head. More problems with diabetes, Pancrease problems, muscle damage as well as muscle loss and dementia will soon be popping up in patients as the drugs are continued to be used and prescribed like popcorn. But the problems will be done and you cannot turn them around. As I shared with you years ago the lack of benefits opposed to the risk are far too high to consider for use. Pharmacokinetics assigns a number to all drugs each called "NNT" (number of drug dosages needed to consume in a 4.1 year period to cause the drug to present with one therapeutic event. On Lipitor the NNT number is 168 or it takes 168 patients taking the Lipitor daily for 4.1 years to produce one positive outcome. Statins are positively inappropiate in patients over 55 years of age to to normal age related organ function reductions.ABN
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